This webpage is mobile hostile and may require desktop viewers to zoom out for proper formatting...This webpage is
mobile hostile and may require desktop viewers to zoom out for proper formatting...This webpage is mobile hostile and may require desktop viewers to zoom out for proper formatting...This webpage is mobile hostile and may require desktop viewers to zoom out for proper formatting...This webpage is mobile hostile and may require desktop viewers to zoom out for proper formatting...This webpage is mobile hostile and may require desktop viewers to zoom out for proper formatting...
I read often, annotate a lot, and forget so much in between. I've been working on getting back to my passions and re-gaining a sense of self-discipline and dedication to self-study (to hopefully apply to academic study in 2025 after a two-year break). is a site-building service which allows me to drag and drop elements entirely at random, making it, i figure, an excellent way to display notes without the stress of coding up functional formatting. Not only can i easily display notes, i can let go of the idea of letting them look functional on any computer that isn't mine because it's ( guaranteed to be a squirmy little fucker no matter what.
If you want to chat me up about any of these notes, please, please, please do. I can be reached at
This website was named after the book Navigable Waterways by Pamela Alexander, published in 1985 as volume 80 of the Yale Series of Younger Poets.